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 15 Saturdays away from pool season.  Get ready for the sun!! 

Pool Updates

John Steiger will not be coming back as the pool manager next season, to spend more time with his family.  We look to forward to seeing him at the pool this upcoming year as a member.  Thank you John for all of the work and time you've given to the pool during your tenure, you will be missed.  

Julieanne Ford has accepted the role of Pool Manager, were fortunate to promote her to the role and lucky to have her on the team.  Thank you very much Julieanne for stepping into this role that we know you will crush it!


WE ARE HIRING!! for several positions at the Pool this summer.  


Assistant Manager Application- Lifeguard Certification 18+

Apply Now


Head Guard Application- Lifeguard Certification 18+

Apply Now


Lifeguard Application

Apply Now


Let us know if you have any questions.

Membership Fees

The Boards next meeting is March 11th and that is where we will finalize fees for the 2024 season.  We'll have a better grasp of Lifeguard pay and project updates to the Pool which make up the majority of the pools cost.  Once that is done, we'll send out the Dues and then it will be updated in eSoft to create your membership.

Future Events

While we are planning the years events & dates at the pool there are two that we are ready to announce now.  


Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on March 30th, 11 AM at LHSC.  


We will also be holding a 21 and over adults night early in the season for us all to get to know each other before the season.  This will be held on June 7th from 7-10pm. Trivia 8-9 during the vent.


More details to follow on both of these and other events as we get closer.

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